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IMPORTANT:   Data BACKUP Reminder 
A frequent and TESTED backup of your data can prevent data loss in the event of hardware failure of virus encounters.

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IMPORTANT:  Courtware does NOT retain copies of your data.  
  Your IT team is responsible for all agency data backups
Losing Your Agency's Data Would be Tragic, But You Can Avoid it With Smart Data Backup and Recovery Planning
In this age of great technology, occasionally we encounter failures of that technology.  Even a small failure, like a power outage, hard drive crash or system malfunction could cause corruption or loss of your data.  Even worse still would be a natural disaster, office flooding or fire, etc.  If you do not have a proper data backup and recovery plan in place, then your Agency is at unnecessary risk if the unthinkable should happen.
Common Mistakes that Can Lead to Data Loss:
No Plan in Place
If you are NOT backing up your data, then you are completely at risk for potential data loss and a likely embarrassing  situation or unwanted news or attention for your Agency.  You should take action immediately to put a data backup and restoration process in place as soon as possible..

Inadequate Plan in Place
Maybe you have a plan in place but it lacks elements like
regular frequency of backup, onsite and offsite secure storage of data, regular testing of recovery and restoration of data, etc.  

It is very important that you have an offsite copy of data as part of your plan in the event that your local backup is damaged by an unexpected event such as hardware failure, building fire, water damage, etc.

Your local backup is useless and will do you no good if it is damaged or compromised..  

You should take steps today to enhance your data plan where any gaps may exist..

Un-Tested & Confirmed Plan in Place
If you have not tested full recovery of data from one of your recent backups then you don’t know for sure if your data is protected.  Congratulations for having a plan in place, but you can receive greater peace of mind and assurance that your plan will work if you test restoration of data simulating a disaster.  You need to know that your plan really works before you need it for real.

Take These Steps to Protect Your Agency's Data:
  1. Review the free READY.GOV online resource for IT Disaster Recovery Plan  ideas and reference:  https://www.ready.gov/business/implementation/IT   
  2. Meet with your IT team to review your current data backup and recovery plan
  3. Perform a full test of your data recovery from a recent backup
  4. Schedule regular future tests of your full data backup and restoration process
  5. Ensure that you have both onsite and offsite secure backups


Elements of a Good Data Backup and Recovery Plan:
  • Local/Onsite & Offsite Copies of Data Stored
  • Regular Backup Interval
  • Tested Data Recovery
  • Strong Anti-Spam Protection for Emails
  • Strong Anti-Virus on All Connected Devices
  • Firewall Security Optimized
  • Limited User Permissions on Network
  • Educate All Users on Security Around Email Attachments, Clicking Inappropriate Links, etc.

No system is 100% fool-proof, however offsite secure data backup is one of your best ways to prevent a data loss disaster.

CryptoLocker & Ransomware
Ransomware and CryptoLocker are viruses that enter a user's computer and network and encrypts the files so that they can no longer be accessed.  Strong encryption AES-256 is used by the offending virus making un-encryption impossible.  The viruses infect the local machine where it enters as well as attached additional hard drives and network connections.  

An infected machine may display a message similar to the following indicating that a ransom must be paid to unlock the machine.

If your systems are connected to the internet, then despite your many protections an uneducated user can unknowingly open the door to a virus by:

Opening of email attachments
Only open attachments expected from KNOWN senders.  If in doubt, verify with the sender before opening any attachments.

Opening of links in emails
Some links in emails can cause a virus to be installed.  Do not click suspicious links if you do not know the original sender.

Clicking inappropriate ads on web pages or emails
Often users are baited into clicking an ad that then installs the virus before it is realized.  No unnecessary ad clicking!

Take These Steps to Protect Against Virus Attacks and Ransomware
Network Domain Privileges
Administrator privileges should be limited to just the few users who actually need that level of security, not everyone.

Program Installation Restrictions
Set network permissions to restrict installation of programs without admin privileges

Firewall Intrusion Prevention
Monitor incoming traffic for suspicious activity.  Use multiple layers of firewall and intrusion protection devices

Aggressive Anti-Spam Software
Filter emails aggressively for spam to minimize the risk that offending emails get through.

Internet Content Management
ICM solutions such as AVG Cloud Care can add a layer of security around internet browsing

Educate Users & Team On Safe Technology Practices
Nothing can replace a smart, educated and focused user.  Almost all virus attacks occur as a result of user error.

Request More Information
We welcome your questions, comments and feedback.  If you would like additional information about this product, or would like to schedule a FREE demo, please contact us

Local: 678- 583-9700
Toll Free: 1-866- 530-1452


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